A few weeks ago I went to an optometrist after about three years of not having vison insurance coverage. I wasn't surprised to be told that I would require glasses because I was wearing glasses for computer use and night. What did surprise me was the revelation that I would need transition lenses or BIFOCALS!!! What a clear sign that I was getting older! I wasn't really overjoyed about it and no frames that I tried on seemed to be able to brighten the fact that I had to wear bifocals. The first day I wore my new glasses to class, I was amazed and how crisp and sharp the powerpoints displayed on the screen. I kept taking my glasses off and putting them back on to see the overwhelming difference. I THOUGHT I COULD SEE FINE!!! On the ride home, I continued to check my vision on road signs and objects in the distance. Still amazed by how poor my vision was and I had no idea.
Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me I once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind, but now I see
While walking in darkness, you don't see or feel that what you are doing is wrong. You can't see how blind you really are. It isn't until you find your way to the marvelous light that you realize that your thoughts, actions and deeds were wretched. It is only the presence of the light that exposes darkness. Looking back it is still amazing how right and justified I thought I was in my sin. Thank God for deliverance, grace and mercy! These are gifts that are available to all. Love y'all to life!!!
That's so true, we don't realize how great something can be if we are never exposed and have a clear vision.