Sunday, April 27, 2014

Remember Moses

There are some times in life when things happen that can make one very upset and angry.  As a Christian, you are expected to always respond with acceptance, forgiveness and a kind word.  In that moment we are expected to recall every scripture of patience. Romans 12:19-Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord. Exodus 14:14-The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.
The truth is there are situations and circumstances that  will come to test your patience......repeatedly. If I am honest there are times that I don't want to be the 'nice' one. I want to be the one to yell and cuss and tell somebody off and tell them what I really feel and how upset and hurt I am. 

Moses was instructed by God to speak to the rock to bring forth water for the people. After being harassed, frustrated and angered by the people's murmuring and complaining, Moses STRUCK the rock. When he didn't get the results he desired, he, for a second time, went against God's instruction and struck the rock. The water began to flow the consequences were grave for Moses. Moses would be allowed to see it but would never be allowed to enter the Promised land. After all he had gone through, the entire mission was to lead the people into the Promised land and he would never make it in. 
In living a Christian life, our goal is to make it to Heaven and get as many people that will listen to get on board with living for Jesus Christ. That is our reward, our Promised Land. Don't let the actions of others make you disregard the Word of God. His Word is true and He can't lie. The next time the enemy attempts to frustrate you and bring you out of the character of Christ, REMEMBER MOSES.


  1. Thanks for sharing. This has opened my eyes to many challenges that I have faced.
    Please continue to share your words of healing and wisdom.

  2. This was a good teaching point. Loved it

  3. This is very inspirational - and knowledgable - with much wisdom. One part I would like the elaborate on is ....

    ""you are expected to always respond with acceptance, forgiveness and a kind word""

    I have a problem responding with acceptance - because I would never want to come to the point of accepting that which is wrong and remain silent or remain humble and meek to that which is evil .....

    Forgiveness ? YES !!! ALWAYS !!!! matter of fact. I say AUTOMATICALLY FORGIVE for they know not what they do

    However - always with a kind word ? There are many situations - where a kind word from THE HOLY SPIRIT is seen as words of condemnation, , hatred and not LOVE, and unrighteous judgment - specially those who don't EMBRACE, LOVE or WANT correction.

    THE TRUTH is never out of season. With so many false doctrines, false prophecies and false teachings. I see a need to always remember that CHRIST HIMSELF told the pharisees and scribes to their faces - in front of the multitude of people - in HIS FATHER'S HOUSE ... that they were of their father the devil ..... as they were ones who enforced, knew and set the laws - but they were hypocrites and didn't follow the laws themselves

    Lastly - I always teach that JESUS was kind, nice, sweet, humble and meek to HIS FATHER, THE HOLY SPIRIT, HIS CALLING, HIS MISSION, and to those who were seeking THE TRUTH from HIM - never was HE kind, nice, sweet, humble or meek to evildoers, wicked people or those who hated HIM. JESUS always stood on THE TRUTH - even when others threw deceptions, lies and tricks at HIM.

    1. I say that because it seems that just because people feel justified in their actions, they sometimes forget that it doesn't make it right or the best thing to do. People's justifications don't stop the hurt. Speaking for me, there is just the perception that I will understand.....and accept that justification.

  4. a kind word - I've seen many back down from speaking THE TRUTH - because it would offend someone - so they lied - and backed down off of THE TRUTH - to please man and not GOD - only to give a word that would be considered kind to the person - but in reality - it wasn't kind at all. For to lie to someone is not kind and a characteristic and sign of hatred and not LOVE.
