As the youngest child, it is natural that I was never the first to do anything. Even though there are nine of us, my sibling closest in age is just two years ahead of me. All through our school aged years I was referred to as A's sister. Even as an adult people still refer and remember me as A's sister. Even when they struggle to remember a name, her name is the first one that is called. I often have to remind people that I'm the little sister...G. She is an awesome person and woman of God so it's cool.
I moved my church membership about 4 years ago into a church in which I had one older sister join decades before. She is such a social butterfly and everyone knows her in every church we attend. Even when I moved my membership to another city, people kept welcoming me the first several weeks as though I was visiting until my sister came to speak. Well whadaya I'm known as Sis. D's sister. And that's cool too because she is also an awesome person and woman of God.
I am also happily married to a pretty well known guy in our area. He knows quite a few people and many people know of him because of community activities and connections he's made through church and business over the years. I count it an honor to share this ordained covenant with him. He's an out front person and I stay more in the background, but always supporting. He honors me and lavishes me with devotion and words of love and commitment publicly. With that, I am now referred to as K's wife.
I just attended a family reunion and by the end of the weekend, my oldest cousin (83) finally remembered who I was upon sight. I thought it was cute and funny because I have seen him around town and at other family events several times. He always re-introduces himself. Well after the family worshiped together he came to me and said he was so happy to have looked up and saw me there. I asked who I was and without hesitation he replied.....DOC'S GRANDDAUGHTER!(That's a new
Luke 10:19-20
…19"Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you. 20"Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven."
When I stand before God, He won't reference anybody else. He won't judge me base on anyone else. In my spot in the Lamb's book of life there will only be My Name. The plans for my mansion aren't labeled A's sister. God loves me and He knows My Name. He will call me by My Name!
Love Y'all!!!